Q. Why did you decide to partner with OBT?
A. OBT’s mission is something we sincerely believe as a company that empowers people. We feel strongly about giving back to the community and this was a perfect fit. We can act as a true partner by working with OBT to provide job training and development as well as actual paying jobs for the program participants. We wanted to be part of the solution of empowering, developing, coaching and ultimately placing individuals in roles that will help them create a viable future for themselves.
Q. What do you see as the most valuable aspect of your involvement with OBT?
A. First and foremost, is the opportunity to play a role in a young adult’s life and potentially impact a change for the better. In playing a part in training, developing, and coaching these young adults we also have an opportunity to hire them for key roles on our team.
Q. What has been the most value add to your company of working with OBT?
A. Providing these young adults their first professional jobs and having a candidate pool of well-trained, professional people that we can tap into at any time.
Q. Is there a specific OBT trainee that you hired which stands out to you? Why?
A. Andrew Brown is one memorable trainee out of the many great trainees we’ve worked with. Born and raised in Brooklyn, Andrew joined the OBT program in September of 2011. From the first, he displayed great work ethic and always worked to excel at any task set before him. In August 2012, he was hired by Forrest Solutions to work at one of our client sites in the mailroom and messenger logistics service field. Within one year in his role as a messenger he was promoted to a lead. He was asked to assist at another client’s large event that took place after hours and his sense of urgency and attention to detail did not go unnoticed. Soon after the event a position opened up for a corporate ambassador for the client who hosted the event and Andrew was at the very top of the list for candidates being considered—easily securing the role. Andrew has continued to climb through the ranks and was promoted to assistant manager towards the end of 2016. Andrew currently assist with the supervision of 5 staff members providing reception, mail, facilities, and office services to our client. Andrew continues to be an exemplary role model to other OBT interns with his success story.
Q. What is one piece of advice that you would like to share with a young person entering OBT’s training program?
A. Don’t look at it as an internship or just a job, but as an opportunity to develop true marketable skills, expand your horizons, and explore different career paths.